Friday, May 16, 2008

Mike Turner Gets the Edwards Treatment From Virginia Media

It was enough that John Edwards had to quit the Presidential race back in January because in large part, he was ignored by the media, both progressive and mainstream, and unable to generate enough money to stay in. But there's more, Mike Turner, candidate for Congress in Virginia's 10th District has the endorsement of the Virginia Chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America, yet he appears to be my neighborhood's version of John Edwards. A Google search barely produced any results, a Washington Post search didn't produce any.

How can this be? He's being challenged in the June 10th primary by Judy Feder, the candidate who is getting the press, and the glowing reviews in the blogosphere and the cash. But one thing she didn't get was the win against incumbent Frank Wolf in 2006, the year the Democrats finally regained control of the House after the long dry spell of the 90s and early 2000s. She not only lost, she lost by 16 points. In a year the Democrats regained control of the House after 12 years.

Mike Turner is the person I will be supporting in the June 10th Democratic Primary. Why? Not just because the Progressive Democrats of America are backing him - though that says alot to me - it's his background in issues that are the major trouble spots in our country right now. He supports A responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq that will bring them home quickly, but safely. He backs this up with experience serving in Operation Provide Comfort under Wes Clark and Norman Schwartzkopf. Mike has served as National Director of Housing Counselling at the National Foundation for Credit Counselling, and he supports a single payer health care plan.

Please join me in lending Mike your support on June 10th. You can find out more and get on board to help Mike here

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