Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hillary Clinton has conceded to Barack Obama

This may have been one of her better speeches. I sincerely hope Mr. Obama when the dust settles decides she is the person with the grit and the experience in the DC fishbowl to stand beside him as his running mate. I hope he doesn't listen to the conventional wisdom. Much of what's been said of her I feel is simply untrue and the making of many who still plainly and simply fear womanly strength. For no good reason. I feel what's been thought of her is also wrong. A person having a strong personality and delivery can put public service ahead of ego. They aren't mutually exclusive.

Are Bill's and her finances of concern? Yes. But do we already know most of what there is to know about them? Again, I think yes. Is it worth setting those concerns aside so a win can be had and a mess cleaned up with a shovel instead of a broom?


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