Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lavender Moon Soap Company

I dithered on whether to blog about this find - was fragrance and bath really relevant to a preppy, political blog?

I decided that yes, it was. Because every preppy I've met, whether they're a sporty prep wearing a polo shirt and chinos or a more upper east side kind of prep in an LBD or business suit, cares about the total package. His or her hair is nicely styled, maybe simply, maybe in a way that needs more maintenance but on him or her it looks just right. And he or she usually prefers some sort of fragrance. It's usually a just showered kind of scent, could be citrusy, on women maybe a light floral. Sometimes it's a more intense spicy fragrance but never applied in a heavy handed way. Most of us modern preppies need to work so we can live in the (nearly always) ONE house we own and don't want our coworkers or fellow commuters to be overpowered by fragrance.

Various places I've discovered in the past year have had little attention but are either right in the suburbs, or not far away. Lavender Moon is such a place. Located in the Creekside Shopping Center in Winchester, it offers a variety of soaps, bath gels, lotions, bath teas, even gifts for the little ones. I bought the Hydrangea and Fabulous scents. Fabulous is indeed worthy of its name, citrusy but with a floral hint. Hydrangea is a shower fresh floral, very grown up and not sweet but not heavy either, a nice compliment to a preppy look or to wear in the office.

It's a huge plus that the packaging has a preppy but sophisticated sensibility too, featuring various sizes of polka dots and trimmed with polka dot ribbon...in lavender and black. It's also a huge plus that yes, for those of you who can't make it to Winchester, there's an online store.

I can't wait to go back for the soaps. Lovely and indeed fabulous.

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