The Obama/Biden campaign is declaring children off limits and I agree they should be. My kids aren't teenagers yet but I've seen plenty of my friends struggle with raising them. It's not easy, some never outgrow being teenagers and some do, but have to learn the hard way...alot, before finally becoming adults.
That said, I feel my post about Palin leaving Trig, her 3 day old baby with Downs syndrome to return to work speaks of HER, not of her child. As one of my friends put it over the weekend, a woman isn't even fully recovered from childbirth 3 days after, it takes weeks, not days. And that's assuming the baby does not have health issues. What does this say about Palin's willingness to bond with her new baby? Isn't a primary family value taking time TO bond with a new baby? Most reasonable people would think so. Some of course can't afford to stay home with our new babies for very long and have to return to work, or else. But from all indications, Palin did not have to return to work 3 days after Trig was born.
Most of us regardless of our political beliefs would argue Hillary Clinton is a very very ambitious woman. Those on the other side have done it blatently and brought her daughter into their arguments. But I could never, ever see Hillary leaving a 3 day old baby to go back to work. If anyone feels otherwise, I say look at Chelsea Clinton, Oxford educated, by all appearances a great daughter, and a successful human being.
I think this is the real issue, you just can't say you're for family values if you willingly abandon a baby 3 days after its birth to rush back to work.
1 year ago
She doesn't care to bond with a 3 year old because people like that, the kind that have them one after another after another into infinity, aren't about bonding they are about having as many as possible. It's the Christian and Republican thing to do, aparently. I've know a lot of good Christian people who don't subscribe to that way of thinking, but they are being out bred by the Palins of the world.
I'm just curious to see how the "Do as I say and not as I do" mentality will play out in the future. Should make for good debates. So far all I've heard from some of the rabid republicans I've encountered is that Palin walks on water. Ug.
She was air kissing all the kids after the speech last night too. I know I'm biased but I didn't see ONE real bit of affection between her and her husband or her and any single kid. Of course she held Trig but he's so little someone had to. Someone else on the blogs said that baby was being passed around like a football.
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