Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting Better Acquainted With the Cole Haan Sirens

We might be sharing toothbrushes at this point. Seriously though, I have been looking for a nylon or microfiber shoulder bag in black, and my LeSportsacs, much as I love them don't look right this time of year - not with temps plunging tonight to cold enough to freeze a witch's nether regions. I want a lightweight bag that will look right for the remainder of the winter.

And look right when I go here in approximately four weeks. Can you say I'm too lazy to swap bags out between now and then? Yep, that's part of my motivation. But the other part is I want a bag that will hold all the necessary kiddie acoutrements I'll need while down there but that is lightweight enough I don't end up walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame by the end of the week. The flight bag will be as lightweight as my LeSportsacs but look more sophisticated, which means I get to be snarky about what other people are wearing and carrying there - ah the ubiquitous fanny packs -since I know my carryall will look good.

Like the green tote, this bag was on sale. The free shipping Siren has gone away so I had to pay for shipping but it still ended up being only about $145-ish. To me an affordable final figure when accounting for cost per wear, and I plan on that being about 1/100th of a cent before year's end.

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