Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thoughts on Elizabeth Edwards, From an Ex Supporter of John

Elizabeth Edwards' decision to write a book about various happenings during her life including the cancer that has returned and metastacized, and her husband's affair is certainly getting alot of people worked up and commenting in the blogosphere and places like HuffPo. Many want her to go away, others are supportive. Everyone assumes she doesn't need the money. But I see a few problems with this picture. First, Mrs. Edwards is fighting a horrible and I'm sad to say costly disease - I know, I was paying bills after my Mom passed away from lymphoma and she was really lucky she had two types of insurance that ended up covering most of her care (even then I had to sic my lawyer on her doctor to get him to reimburse me for one bill). Second, the other woman has been supported by parties close to Senator Edwards and who's to say she won't try to get her hands on as much of what he and his wife have as she possibly can? Yes, he may be the father of the other woman's young daughter but questions persist that indicate said woman might want more than is needed and reasonable to raise one child. However he and his wife have three kids - two quite young - who have every right to inherit money and property after their mother is gone. Third, she isn't going away because she wants to hand her husband his arse in public. He deserves it. So does the other woman. They chose to have this affair. Period. Elizabeth Edwards can still love her husband and want to hand him his arse for this horrible lapse in judgment, and she can also feel it should cost him his future in politics. And as for whether she knew about it being ongoing, I think she really truly did not. Love is blind. I've been there.

I not only support Mrs. Edwards, I picked up her book today and other customers were waiting for the book to be put out on the shelf, taking it out of the sales associate's hands. He even asked me if I was waiting for it and I said yes. Makes me think other people who were there earlier had been taking it right out of his hands too. Which might speak volumes - no pun intended - of whether people really want Elizabeth Edwards to go away. I don't really think they do.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't help thinking the other day how when Howard Dean became chairman of the DNC, John Edwards said Dean was not the head of the party as far as he was concerned. Since then, the Dems have created, then expanded, a congressional majority, enjoyed a presidential landslide, and no one will ever remember Howard Dean for "the scream" again. John Edwards, on the other hand, is finished. And good riddance to him.

Noracharles1995 said...

John, I had forgotten about the Edwards comment toward Dean and at the time must have figured it was a one time gaffe. Trouble is Edwards has displayed several major lapses in judgment. The affair was just one, running for office knowing it could come to light was another. Some say personal lives don't matter but if they're evidence of across the board bad judgment, I disagree. Also, in JE's case, campaign $ may have been used as hush money. Monica was at least an UNPAID intern, sleazy as her dalliance w/ Bill Clinton was.

Suppose JE, a self described narcissist had become President. Obama deliberately chose a team of rivals to come up with richer, better solutions to problems. Could a narcissist do this, or would he just surround himself with "yes" men? And gawd forbid if that woman were to have a role somewhere.