Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Biden Now More Than Ever

This is many things; alarming, depressing, interesting and I truly hope the spokesperson quoted in the article isn't playing down tensions when he says the freeze on Russia's NATO activities is a regional issue that needs to be sorted, and not a global issue.

As that old song "Anticipation" is going through my head and I'm checking email way too often for that promised first heads up from the Obama campaign, I'm going through all of his possibilities in my mind and thinking of all the crap that's going on in the world. I like them all, they have great credentials and all seem to work well with other people but THE one person who has the right combination of qualities keeps being Biden. He's fiesty, he knows everyone in DC and many leaders overseas, he's smart and knowledgeable, and Barack's said it himself, he needs someone with experience who could if - God forbid - need be, take over as President himself.

Hillary despite her gaffe about sniper fire, is knowledgeable as well. But Biden is more so, he's been working in foreign policy since 1972.

Him sitting down with the Russians and Georgians would not only be interesting theater, it might be just what they need to resolve their differences sanely, and safely. The world needs this.

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